Monday, March 5, 2018

First Post for 2018

2018! The last post was in 2016.
Hi reader(s) – not sure if there is a reader or not.
Today is 3rd March 2018 and everything has been great so far.

General Election
2018 will witness another general election that may be held in April or May, the 14th General Election. Barisan Nasional (BN) has been the ruling government since 1957 and since then, the opposition components have had failed to defeat them. 
Not much to elaborate on election but I believe that BN will continue to win and govern the country.

Friends and relatives around my age are getting married. There is no number for the fact but it is happening and I can feel it. 
What do I feel? I am feeling like “When will I find my partner and be ready?”.
Allah surely has good plans for us. Sooner or later, everyone will find their soulmate.

Life is so mysterious. We do not know what is coming and of course we do not want to gamble our lifetime decision. Marriage requires lifetime commitment and responsibility. Well, when the time comes, it will come.
Worry less and live happily.

                                                **p/s : My English is not that good but i'll brush it up. So, don't take it serious ;)                                                 

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