Haha… it has been
a while since the last post.
Someone really had
triggered my mood to blogging tonight and I can say that I am really in the
mood now to write a lengthy post about my days, feelings, thoughts and etc.
I have been
keeping all these things either in my mind or book. It is not a special book
though. It is just my note book that I use to jot down all the notes in
classes. Well, if you guys really go through my note book, you might find
something interesting in between the sheets. Haha Whenever I feel bored and
something is wandering in my mind, I would simply write it down, just like
telling others of what I feel or think. Because I realized that people won't really
be interested to listening to my problems or stories, writing them down in book
is a better move.
Talking about “people
have no interest to listen to stories”, I assumed that people will always judge
as their brains are the central of everything and it will process all the
information that they received or gained which later resulting in “judgement”
or “assumption” that sometimes can be nasty and misleading. That is fine if
people really keep their “assumptions” by themselves but it is not when people
narrate it to others.
Yeah, it is the
nature of human being. Sometimes, me myself couldn’t help to tell others about
this and that but thanks God that I’m still rational so I seriously do a lot
thinking before I narrate things to others. Back to point, when people start narrating
the stories that they heard from others, the stories will change from one mouth to
mouth, either in a good or bad way. Mostly it is the “bad way”. That is what I am
fear of. The power of mouth will turn fictions to facts as people simply
believe what they listen to without further validation or clarification.
Above are the
related reasons why I stopped blogging or being a bit “closed” with people. People
may see me as an “opened” guy but the truth is, I do filter everything that I
Well, I am feeling
good actually writing this post. It has been awhile since the last post, 8
months ago. I might probably continue writing after this and of course I would
not be writing about my “feelings” on my crush as I feel it is worthless. I did
those kind of thing before and mostly it embarrassed myself and made me look
like a “hunter”. Hahahah
That’s all for
tonight. I will try to blogging regularly. See ya buddies!