Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fine March

What a boring blog?! LOL.

“I do not write to please you” –Hermes *fake quote*

Hello by the way. It has been eleven months am stopped blogging since May last year. Fuhhhh.. A lot of things happened; sweet, bad, nice, good, sweet, sweet and again sweet. LOL.
Eleven months! I kind of want to say it is a quite long period but things happened really fast.  All were just “boom” then you realize that it is no longer yesterday.

Actually, I always wanted to blogging all the times but I simply cannot due to time constraint, busy with classes, labs, assignments and et cetera. Emm.. No. It is a lie. Most of the times, I just do not have the feeling to write or “lazyyyy”. Lazy is my talent! I can just stay in my room, do nothing for all day long.
Every semester, I will be like “I will score this semester”, “I will never skip class”, “will bla bla”. They are all bullocks because the ending will always be “it is okay if I pass it”. When I look at others “what? Studying?” what are you people? Why are you being so diligent?! Where did you get all those energy?! Nah, no one can answer that. They are just “they”, born hunger for excellence. Hehe.


Today is

March 27, three weeks to go before final exam and this is why I am writing a post today. Three weeks! Man! My mind is blown. I am totally lost. All the tests, presentations, quizzes and assignments went bad. I simply ruined them because I took them for granted. I did not do any preparations because I felt that I was good enough. No need to study, no need to rehearse, but the fact is I am nothing. Sigh. I will make things right because…

“It is never too late”

And so.....

Do not ever feel enough for yourself. J

**p/s : My English is not that good but i'll brush it up. So, don't take it serious ;)