Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dinner with Guys

Hey! Today is 20.12.2012 today's date is just awesome! Well, I'm here today is to story a little bit about last night, 19.12.2012 and not going to talk about the date because it's just a date, even it comes once in 100 years.So, last night, me,; Amirul, Yazid, Haikal, Jebat, Hilmi and Faris decided to have dinner at Ipoh. We went there by two cars and we left at 6.50 something. Before leaving, Haikal asked Faris to lead the way because it's the very first time for Haikal to drive from UTP to Ipoh. Haha. He's quite noob. Faris agreed and drove his car to UTP PETRONAS to fuel his car. Soon arrived the petrol pump, he parked his car behind a Viva and thought that she(probably owner of the car) already finished fueling her car and unfortunately she's not! We waited in the car like stupid. She was just standing there and waiting for her friend to pay the fuel.huh ( enough for her story). Supposedly, it only takes about half an hour to reach Ipoh but because of some technical problems,  we reached Ipoh at 9. Do you know what was it? .... We lost one of the car which was driven by Haikal. Haha. But, at the end,  we still managed to eat Kueh Teow Kicap at Ipoh.


**p/s : My English is not that good but i'll brush it up. So, don't take it serious ;)