Saturday, November 24, 2012


Heyyo peeps!! How’s your life today? Is it fun? Is it much better compared to yesterday? Or it remains the same?? Hopes none of you have a bad day today.  By the way, thanks for reading my blog whether you’re regular reader or just accidentally stumble up to my blog, I really appreciate it!!

So, today I’m going to write about life. It will just base on my perspective because I’m not a professional to describe or define what life is about. Everybody in this world has different life even sometimes it looks similar but it still have its own differences. Although the difference just as small as particle, still considered different! We have several types of people in this world; super rich, rich, average and poor. But nowadays, the number of poor people is less than before and most of us are in average type. Since 1960s, economy started to rise and give a lot of job opportunities and eventually change people life. At the same time, living cost roses rapidly. All prices increased but luckily salary earned by people also increase. The only one industry that has changed everything is manufacturing industry. Manufacturing industry has changed everything because a lot of job has been created for people. So people have the chances to change their life to be much better.

**p/s : My English is not that good but i'll brush it up. So, don't take it serious ;)

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