Monday, June 15, 2015

Overview of Current Political Situation

Tanah Melayu or Malaysia is an independent country since 1957, freed by the British with consensus and terms through United Malay National Organization (UMNO). 

UMNO has been ruling this country for about 58 years since the independency, with total six Prime Ministers and 13 General Election (GE).

Datuk Seri Mohd Najib, the current Prime Minister, succeeded the chair in 2008, the 12th General Election. 

Ever since he took the office in 2008, many scandals are hooked to him, which he had denied them all on the name of God. However, some Malaysians are still cannot accept the denials and believe that he is behind the scandals. 

The previous General Election, the 13th, Barisan Nasional won the parliamentary seats with 2/3 marjority, but the winning was thin based on the number of votes casted for Barisan Nasional. Malaysians seem to turning their back and vote for PR coalition, instead of BN. 

Those numbers are indicator for Barisan Nasional to make changes on the current governing structure in order to gain trust from the people. Even so, BN is still repeating the same mistakes over and over again. The mistakes are mostly from the Ministers, such bad words thrown to the people and statements on religion related issues. 

These mistakes are kind of sensitive and people might lose some respect on the Ministers upon the statements released. The mistakes too have tarnished BN’s image as well as degraded its reputation. In spite of that, another “bad thing” revealed to the public, which is the mismanaged company :1MDB (wholly owned firm by Ministry of Finance). The business is failing due to huge external debts on it, which amounting RM 42 billion. Again, people are mad and want DSN to step down, even investigated for this mismanagement case. 

Anyway, another big issue in 2015 is GST(Goods and Services Tax). Personally, I would say that the implementation of the GST should not become an issue, as it is significant for future growth. The only aspect that matter is the spending of the taxes money must be explained to the people, to avoid misinterpretation as things are easily spun nowadays in the internet. Other than that, the implementation was not smooth enough, in terms of education and execution. Many of Malaysians are still confused with the calculations, zero-rated and etc. 

PR had good stance in previous years and now everything is upside down. PR might able to win the next General Election in 2018, if they could agree on disagree. Each party component has unique vision and mission, and this conflicting the coalition. Thus, PR itself should have distinctive vision and mission that would satisfy all the party components, to ensure the smoothness of the coalition. This shaky coalition will never convince the people and will gradually lose respect too. Even so, people might still choose PR just to topple the current government (BN). 

After all, future is unpredictable, but GE 14 will answer our curiosity. As a Malaysian, I always want the best for my country and will never let any hands could put Malaysia at great risk to run the country. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Social Network


It has been a while since the last post. 

I hope you are all doing good and really enjoy your moments. 

As usual, I always wanted to write and publish something, but it did not happen. 

Six months have passed and a week to Ramadan, surely it is the best time to publish a post. 

Everything written are my personal view. 

My view on Social Network.

Social network has pros and cons, but mostly cons since people do not utilise it rightly. 

Cons of social network will likely to be discussed.
  1. Rumors or news are spread very fast through social networks, though the source is yet to be confirmed.
  2. It (sometimes) leads to humiliation, defamation and misinterpretation. 
  3. Exaggeration in the headlines, captions and contents mislead the actual information or news.
  4. Fake news become trending as people easily believe everything in the social network.
  5. Political rats use social network to degrade each other.
  6. Humiliation, defamation and misinterpretation are three major things that should be avoided. 
  7. Humiliation could destroy life and put someone in depression for a long period.
  8. Once shared in the internet, it means forever.
  9. Defamation of course will affect someone’s reputation. Fake news or rumours will be believed by most of the internet users. 
  10. Misinterpretation is another thing. This is caused by the lack of knowledge of internet users or the technique of writing by the authors (confusing). 
  11. People tend to follow the trend, without having a thorough thinking on something and quickly jump to conclusion.
  12. People follow the trend because many others are following, and so they do not want to be the freak (alone/weird). 
  13. They forgot, number of followers does not indicate the truthfulness.
  14. Many people have diverged from the main course and only little are still on it.
  15. Diverged because of being influenced over the information (facts/fictions) in the internet, which may result in bad consequences. 
  16. Internet too is a platform to breed hatred which later used to against someone. 
  17. Specific sensitive issue is brought up or shared over the internet, and that will start the fire.
  18. Arguments will never meet the end, because everyone thinks that they are the most right and never surrender. 
  19. Society becomes so arrogant and uphold the so called "life principles", and degrade others who are not on the same deck with them.
  20. Social networks and internet will destroy an empire because of the arrogant, stupidity and greediness of the people.