Friday, May 24, 2013


Politics are everywhere! Even though the general election has ended on last 5th May, but there still is a side that does not agreed with the result. I would say “ Just wait for another 5 years!” and do not self-proclaim that you won the election. Sigh. I do not know what is happening here. If the general election was not fair or fraud was practiced, just bring it to the court. You do not even need a rally which might cause traffic jam like what had happened in Kelana Jaya. Some people who were not there for the rally stuck and have to wait almost for a few hours.

I am done with politics because I am tired of it.

Dang. New semester has just started a few days ago and the result for the last semester also already out! I am a bit disappointed with my results but Alhamdulillah, it is still above 3.00.  Regretting what we have done before and during the final exam is not worth it anymore. I did not studied and put efforts on it and there you go my results. I got C for two subjects : Oil and Gas, and Computer Organization; A- for Academic Writing and Structured Programming and B for Management. Haha. Oh Oil n gas, I do not have ideas why am I studied OnG for Business programme. I attended the OnG class just for few times ( 4 maybe) and I asked my friend to sign for the rest of my attendance. Haha. Oh nothing to do with last semester. I messed it up and I hope it was just the beginning of success. :P  I will do my best for this semester and strike for 4.00 (maybe). Anyway, pray the best for me ;)

This section is for GIRLS who are looking for a man who is MAN :p

This evening, me and my friends went to so-called beautiful “Tasik” around 6.10 pm to chilling and enjoy the ambience, and around 30 minutes after, my friend, we call him Jebat or his real name is Shafiq Mazlan, brought us “mee kuah” he said,  and he made himself! Not mind blowing but it is mind BLASTING! A man who used to be in martial art room, do practice Silat, knows how to cook! The “mee kuah” was good and I love the sausage. I could say “ He is the real man!” haha. To Jebat, I am proud with ya friend and please do not be offended with this writing haha. All the best for you bro, you will find someone soon J

I forgot this. Happy Wesak Day to those celebrating it and Happy holiday to everyone! I am having a boring weekend and I am dying waiting for it to end! Aha. I wish y’all have a great weekend and enjoy it while it lasts! Do not wasting it O young soul!!! Chill out!

Below is the photo of "mee kuah" made by JEBAT 

**p/s : My English is not that good but i'll brush it up. So, don't take it serious ;)

Monday, February 4, 2013


Hey people out there! How are you all doing? It has been awhile I did not update my blog and the only reason is I am just being lazy to blogging and generate idea. Hihi. By the way, I know it is to late but I still want to congratulate MariaElena and her husband, Asfirdaus. I really adore you both because of your love story and ended up with marriage. May Allay bless you. J

Here we go. 2013 started very well even though my result was a bit disappointing and throughout January, I went through a lot of things and met new people. I am here today not writing about my diary but the current issue! I bet all of you have known about the famous singer from Seoul, singing Oppa Gangnam Style. I heard that he will come to Malaysia by this month and perform for Belia 2013 in Penang. Is this news is true? Or it is just a rumour? Anyone can confirm this?  Wait wait! Do not get me wrong. I am not creating any unethical post but I am just wondering whether this news is true or not. I was a bit surprised when I read a tweet about this performance and its said that our government is spending 2 million for this artist. Really? 2 Million? Oopps. I forgot to tell you. I am neutral and I am not supporting any sides of party and this is just about my thought.

A question, Is it really worth it spending 2 Million for a song? Have you ever consider using the money in other ways? Like giving it to the poor people? Or use it for development purpose? Bringing a famous artist to perform here is not wrong but spending 2 Million for a song is a big mistake. I am pretty sure, majority of us, Malaysians, disagree about this. Even a school kid knows how to spend RM5 wisely.
That is the only question spinning in my head. Hopefully, our great Prime Minister cancels this performance and use the money for good purpose. J Sorry for being emotional, “maybe”. hihi