Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Healthy life

Now, already four weeks I have been here, in UTP. My daily life goes on as usual. Wake up in the morning, pray, and go to class. Nothing much changed but what have I noticed, this semester seems shorter than last semester. I was so surprised when my friend told me that in next two weeks we are going to have mid-semester test. Whoa. Time flew so fast. I can’t even feel it. Yeah, and this year I’m getting 18 and that means I’m getting older and I’ll have some wrinkles on my face. LOL. Hope not.

Back to the topic, today I want to talk about healthy life which related to myself. I realized that my lifestyle before was not healthy and I I had consumed so much oily foods and non-healthy foods. When I get home, I used to eat fast foods like McDonalds and KFC. Both of them are so tasty and they’re like a dope for me. But then I realized that all those food are not good for our health. We supposed to eat healthy food to maintain our body health. Yeah, as we know, our life is temporary and not permanent. So we have to take care of our health as well as possible. Now, I’m trying to cut off my eating habit and try to just eat non-oily foods such bread, boiled eggs and so forth. Since I’d moved here, V4, I think I can control my eating habit because I got kitchen here. So I can boil eggs everyday and eat them together with breads. These not only to reduce my weight, but eventually will save my money. LOL. My housemate, an Egyptian also doing the same thing. He boils eggs every morning and eat it together with breads and he advised me to drink plenty of mineral water everyday (at least 3 liters per day).

Good thing is, I started to jog last two days together with fat ladies. They are not actually fat, but I called them fat ladies. I don’t get why they jog everyday even they got slim body. Uh lady, I don’t get you. Well, a fat guy like me course don’t have enough stamina to jog non-stop. My first day jogging was not bad but they laughed at me. I didn’t manage to jog till Chancellor Hall. But yesterday, my stamina already increased and I managed to jog far than yesterday but got back ache and leg cramp then. I had to stop, walk and let the fat ladies cut me off.

And today, 13th June, I couldn’t jog because my ankle was injured last night and it swollen. Body ache makes me feel useless. I can’t even bend my body. Oh that’s nice. Luckily, my mom cares about me. She called me so many times just to know my condition. I can’t jog for several days and when it healed, I’ll join you back fat ladies! LOL. One of them texted me this evening and said “ hey, we did it. We were jogging non-stop from V4 to Chancellor Hall”. Lady, that’s good!! Glad to hear your improvement. Well, we will compete after this. Just wait for me and I will leave you kilometers behind.

**p/s : My English is not that good but i'll brush it up. So, don't take it serious ;)